This entertaining and impactful story, written by Hudson and Eric Ludy follows four estranged siblings on a perilous journey. Though none of them trust each other, they must work together to survive a harrowing trek through Dragon Mountain, braving booby taps, sibling rivalries, and of course … a fire breathing dragon. It’s a high-quality, family-friendly production that is sure to warm your heart and freshly remind you of the power of forgiveness and the importance of reconciliation.
Hudson Ludy is a founding member of the Inkling Theatre company, previously involved in writing, directing, and performing in ‘Commissioned’ (2023), the company’s debut production. He is doing the same for the upcoming run of ‘Dragon Mountain’, which he is eager to present to the world. Previously, he toured the country with Arise Collective Theatre from 2021 to 2023, performing in their musical ‘Pilgrim’, a stage adaptation of ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’, where he portrayed the roles of Hypocrisy, Mr. Discontent, and Judge Hate-Good. Additionally, he co-wrote the novel ‘Hoodlum: A Time Traveling Robin Hood Misadventure’, set to be published in late 2024. Furthermore, he is working on adapting the book into a stage musical to be produced by Inkling Theatre. Hudson is passionate about art, building community, and creating spiritually transforming theatre.
Yes. The show would probably garner a PG rating, due to strong sibling conflicts, heavy thematic material, and some mildly scary Indiana Jones type of stakes. Generally, the show is appropriate for all ages.
Dragon Mountain is 1hour and 30minutes with a 15 minute intermission.
Dragon Mountain will be performing on select dates from July 14 – October 20, 2024 at the Ellerslie Chapel, 655 Southwood Lane, Windsor CO.
Admission to the show is ‘pay what you can’.
Yes, we are producing a high quality pro-shot of the show and are planning on making it available for streaming internationally once the show closes. There is also the possibility of the show being posted to YouTube for free a few years down the line, in an effort to make live theatre more accessible.
The seating for the show is general admission.
Yes. We currently do not have a time line as to when Dragon Mountain will be available for licensing, but it is apart of the long term plan.
There are currently no plans to perform Dragon Mountain in the future.